Classes and Lectures
From swordplay to self-defense – through every era of history – CombatCon brings together renowned instructors from all over the globe to keep your skills sharp.

200+ Hours of Instruction Available
With more than 100 classes, panels and lectures over the course of the event, CombatCon provides a diverse but tailored training experience for fighters of every experience level and background. Learning opportunities cover a range of topics including self-defense best practices, choreography techniques for fight performance, historical swordplay for competitive fencing, and space-age laser combat. There’s a new skill waiting behind every door at CombatCon.
World-Class Combat and Performance Instruction
Our attendees expect a community effort that supports their growth, spearheaded by experts in the field. We enable our community to hone their skills every year by inviting top-tier instructors. No matter how obscure or unconventional – whether it’s modern or historical – there’s someone to pass that skill on to you at CombatCon. Our legendary instructor line-up includes professional stage and screen choreographers, military training consultants, gold-medal fencing champions, and pioneering martial artists.

200+ Hours of Instruction Available
With more than 100 classes, panels and lectures over the course of the event, CombatCon provides a diverse but tailored training experience for fighters of every experience level and background. Learning opportunities cover a range of topics including self-defense best practices, choreography techniques for fight performance, historical swordplay for competitive fencing, and space-age laser combat. There’s a new skill waiting behind every door at CombatCon.
World-Class Combat and Performance Instruction
Our attendees expect a community effort that supports their growth, spearheaded by experts in the field. We enable our community to hone their skills every year by inviting top-tier instructors. No matter how obscure or unconventional – whether it’s modern or historical – there’s someone to pass that skill on to you at CombatCon. Our legendary instructor line-up includes professional stage and screen choreographers, military training consultants, gold-medal fencing champions, and pioneering martial artists.

Martial Arts
- Historical European Martial Arts / Western Martial Arts (longsword, rapier, wrestling, boxing)
- Japanese Sword Arts
- Indigenous Martial Arts of the Americas and Africa (shotel, Incan boxing, tomahawk)
- Traditional and Modern Asian Martial Arts (kung fu, aikido, muay thai)
- Martial History (military culture, the place of violence in society, social context of martial arts in history)
Stage and Film Combat
- Fighting for Film (choreography, camera angles)
- Stunt Falls and Rolls (tumbling, hitting the ground, acrobatic tricks)
- Motion Capture Skills (monster acting, body mechanics, motion skills)
- Firearm Handling for Actors (safety, practical usage, realism)
Tactical and Personal Protection
- Self defense (everyday carry items, conflict deescalation, stress prompts and responses)
- Tactical Squad Movement (linear room clearing, building entry, breech tactics)
- Urban Combatives (knives and improvised attacks, gun disarms, threat assessment)

Gloves on, swords up.
Register today and be part of the action.