Anti-harassment and disruptive behavior zero-tolerance policy.
CombatCon has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment or disruptive behavior of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to: physical or verbal intimidation, offensive verbal comments, physical assault and/or battery, harassing or non-consensual photography or recording, sustained disruption of classes, panels, and other events, bathroom policing, inappropriate physical contact, stalking, and unwelcome physical attention.
This policy is in relation to but not limited to: race or ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, gender identity gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, body size, disability, appearance, religion, and citizenship.
If a person engages in harassing or disruptive behavior, CombatCon Staff will take immediate action of any form they deem appropriate including expulsion from CombatCon with no refund. The Flamingo Security Team may also be notified, resulting in expulsion from property and/or arrest.
This policy applies to EVERYONE at the convention, including exhibitors, vendors, attendees, instructors, presenters, panelists, guests, press, staff, and volunteers.
Anyone can report harassment. If someone’s behavior has made you uncomfortable, or if you witness the same happening to someone else, you should immediately contact CombatCon Staff, a CombatCon Volunteer, or a member of the Flamingo Security Team. You may also come to the CombatCon Registration desk (located in front of the Twilight classroom) or go to the Flamingo front desk.
If necessary, we will contact law enforcement, provide escort, offer a safe place or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to make sure they feel safe for the rest of CombatCon.
Remember, Cosplay is not consent. Keep your hands and opinions to yourself. When you’re at CombatCon, follow these simple rules: be respectful, be nice, and be kind to each other. But most of all, just don’t be a jerk.